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Ayurveda Healing Therapies

We also offer  wellness packages and a customized cleansing and detox-Panchakarma program.Know more...

We offer customized Ayurveda therapies which means for every Ayurveda therapy organic oils, herbs are carefully selected and customized for you to address your specific needs of Dosha balance.

These are specialized form of Ayurveda therapies that bring Prana, vital energy in the body and mind, helps to remove the toxins seated deep in to the musculoskeletal system and in the blood stream These therapies provide deep relaxation and relives the stress from day to day life.The combination of oil, herb and Herbal decoctions helps to create balance in the mental and bodily elements; especially the touch with consciousness can help tremendously for Vata imbalance naturally helping the nervous system to relax.

We have chosen the combination of therapies that effectively balances Vata, Pitta, and Kapha providing deep relaxation, restore your physical, mental, and emotional balance, and rejuvenate your mind and body. Check out our wellness packages.


Looking for deeper cleanse and detox? We offer an Authentic Detoxification and Rejuvenation Program is customized according to your health care needs to stimulate body's inner intelligience and self healing mechanism,rejuvenating mind and body.


“I feel so blessed to have found a real Ayurvedic doctor locally in Tampa. Vaidya Archana Kulkarni is warm, welcoming and knowledgeable. She read my pulse, observed my tongue and asked questions to figure out my constitution so that she could use the right herbs and practices for treatment. I left feeling relaxed and balanced after the pitta care package and look forward to working with her again soon. ”
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Disclaimer: The information contained in this web site  and services offered by Vd. Archana Kulkarni and/or Ayur Wellness Inc are only intended for educational purpose and not for diagnosis, treatment, prevention or cure of any disease or to replace standard medical treatment or advice. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician or other qualified medical provider.